Posted on 2/6/2021 4:32:57 AM by Admin

Set Operators in LINQ

Set Operators are used to combine two result sets and produce a single result set. Many times we need to completely combine two collections, sometimes we want to combine collections but don't want to include the duplicate items, sometimes we want to get all items that are in the first collection but are absent in the second collection, due to all these requirements we have Set Operators in LINQ.

In LINQ, Set Operators are used to returning result sets based on the presence or absence of equivalent elements within the same or separate collections. Linq provides us following set operators, and each of the set operators has its own job.
    • UNION
    • EXCEPT

Set Operators can be used to completely combine elements of two collections , combine common elements between two collections , merge multiple collections , remove duplicate element from the collection and so on.

The following diagram shows more details related to set operators in LINQ.

Set Operators in LINQ
Set Operators in LINQ

Union Operator

Union Operators are used to combine two collection and return a single collection after removing the duplicates , Means Union Operator will return a new collection containing all elements from the two collections except the common elements.

Example: Combine two collection and remove duplicates.

   public static void Main()
           List<string> strList1 = new List<string>() {"Ram","Shyam","Michael","Jhon","Peter" };
         List<string> strList2 = new List<string>() { "Ram", "Sachin", "Arjun", "Vikash", "Jhon" };

            var combination = strList1.Union(strList2);
            foreach (var item in combination)

Intersect Operator

Intersect Operators are used to return a new collection based on the common elements between the two collections.

Example: Return a collection containing common elements between two collection .

   public static void Main()
        List<string> strList1 = new List<string>() {"Ram","Shyam","Michael","Jhon","Peter" };
        List<string> strList2 = new List<string>() { "Ram", "Sachin", "Arjun", "Vikash", "Jhon" };

            var combination = strList1.Intersect(strList2);
            foreach (var item in combination)

Except Operator

Except Operators are used to return a new collection containing elements which are present in first collection but are absent in second collection

Example: Return a collection containing such elements from the first collection which are not present in the second collection.

   public static void Main()
    List<string> strList1 = new List<string>() {"Ram","Shyam","Michael","Jhon","Peter" };
    List<string> strList2 = new List<string>() { "Ram", "Sachin", "Arjun", "Vikash", "Jhon" };
            var combination = strList1.Except(strList2);
            foreach (var item in combination)

Distinct Operator

Distinct Operators are used to return a new collection after removing the duplicates from the old collection.

Example: Return a collection after removing the duplicate items.

    public static void Main()
     List<string> strList1 = new List<string 
       {"Ram","Shyam","Michael","Jhon","Peter","Ram","Jhon" };
        var combination = strList1.Distinct();
            foreach (var item in combination)

In the coming chapters, we will learn more about each of these set operators in detail with examples.